Just some of what we were able to provide during the 2023-2024 school year.
- 73 Teacher Mini-Grants providing $500 in teacher selected classroom supplies for each teacher
- Digital microscopes for biology (in-progress)
- AV Rolling Carts
- Canvas boards, paint & clothing protection for Art classes
- PocketLab G-Force sensors and tracks for Physics
- Classroom editions of “Sister of My Heart”
- 20 Carbon Steel Comals for Engineering
- Cleaning & storage supplies for the Culinary classroom
- 150 Pizzas for Freshman Orientation
- 125 Planners & notebooks for the AVID and the Mentor Programs
- 625 Copies of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time“ for Freshman English classes
- Wireless Temperature Sensors for Science classes
- 30 Graphing Calculators for Math classes
- History Vault subscription for Social Science classes
- Lunch for Staff Inservice days
- Nordic Ware pans for Culinary
- Transmission jack for Auto Tech
- Mill sets for Woodshop
- Specialty icing sets for Culinary classes
- Parent Enrichment Night with Dr. Jean Twenge
- Transportation for Film field trip to Warner Bros.
- Portable speakers for Dance PE classes
- Turntables and music mixer
- Red Ribbon PALS bracelets for Red Ribbon Week
- Extensions for lighting rigs in the PAC
- Colored, white & black filament
- Metal Scribe set
- Dial caliper
- Milling vise
- Tool box organizer
- Heating pad for injured dancers
- Transportation for Marine Science camp at Catalina
- Watercolor paper
- Portable desk
- Rolling gallery walls to display artwork
- Knife sharpening services for Culinary classes
- Shop lights and toolbox labels for Auto Tech
- 20 TI-84 CE graphing calculators that can import images
- Hearing protection for Engineering classes
- Portable Electric Sterilizer with base for Science classes
- Peer Tutors credentialing exams through UDL
- Specialty pencil and oil pastel sets for Art classes
- Planter boxes for classroom & club gardens
- Fryers for Culinary
- Dremel & ratchet tools for Wood Shop and Engineering
- Shure Step Safety Steps for Engineering
- Transportation for Sea World STEM Day field trip
- Spectrometers for Science Classes
- Health office supplies
- Sheet panel plastic and plexiglass for Art classes
- Steel display and storage cabinets for Woodshop and Engineering
- New student welcome lunches through the Counseling Dept.
- Specialty paper for Art classes
- Bus transportation for Marine Biology field trips
- Tenor & Baritone Saxophone through shared Music Grant
- Welcome Back goodie bags for the staff
- Parent Coffees for freshman parents and the first day of school
- Cameras, microphones & memory cards for Falcon Vision
- 12 Micropipettes for Science classes
- Business classes Fortune magazine subscription
- Studio LED light kit
- HDMI RC Camera
- Light box kit
- Rechargeable AA batteries
- Birch tree set for photo set
- Chinese writing brushes
- Ice packs
- Transportation for field trip to Old Town
- Menstrual products for DOTstash
- Exercise weight sets
- 11 x 17 Photo frames to showcase student work
- Membership for Counseling team with NACAC
- Bridgeport vise for CTE
- Diploma covers for graduation
- and so much more!