The Torrey Pines High School Foundation is looking for community business leaders to help Torrey Pines High School in reaching this years donation goal of $100,000. You can help by becoming an esteemed supporter of the Torrey Pines High School Foundation. Funds raised by the TPHSF provide critical dollars towards TPHSF’s CTE (Career Training Education) Pathways Program, purchasing new technology, advanced educational equipment and materials for classrooms, school wide student connectivity & mentorship programs, counseling, career services and much more. Donations from supporters are an instrumental component to helping us fulfill our mission and make the community stronger. With the assistance and generosity of all our donors and supporters like you, the TPHSF is able to help TPHS Students achieve the best education possible.
Why is your support to our
public school so important?
- Because state and district allocations cover only the essentials. TPHSF funds everything above the district budget per student in any given year.
- Funding for public schools has steadily declined over the last 30 years putting California 50th in the nation for dollars spent per student – far below the national average. To further compound the problem, San Dieguito Union High School District is the lowest funded high school district of our size in California, 77th out of 77.
- The Foundation’s gifts to the school have helped make Torrey Pines a nationally renowned public high school and a school that has received some of the highest performance reviews on the California School Dashboard for school accountability. Students excel at the state and local levels with some of the highest ACT and SAT scores in the county, having lasting impact on our extraordinary community.
- Families from around the world choose this community because they want the best for their children. In turn, local businesses are granted access to one of the highest educated workforces in the United States.
- The future workforce of San Diego is contingent on our community creating high performing adults that are connected to the community and will seek to return to live and raise their own families within it.
Torrey Pines High School is a magnet for our local workforce.
We hope you will lend your support in one of the following ways:
- Underwrite, or sponsor a portion of any Foundation program or fundraising event.
- Donate an item, or experience, in-kind to a school program or fundraising event. We welcome educational items and experiences, merchandise, services, and vacations.
- Financial contribution in direct support of the Classroom and Student Enrichment.
We recognize and thank our Business Supporters. Your generosity helps to create an incredible high school experience for TPHS students.
Please complete a Business Supporter Donation Form and we will contact you to discuss your donation.
We look forward to our relationship in helping to enhance all students educational experience.